I was asked to write a short message about
Square Dancing, this is what came to mind. The first thing that popped into my head was
that the Florida State Convention is just around the corner. I hope with your help this
can be one of the BIGGEST conventions that we can have. SQUARE DANCING IS
"FRIENDSHIP SET TO MUSIC". This is what the convention is all about. You will
have Caller's and Cuer's from all over the state of Florida, there will be vendors, for
clothing, shoes, petticoats, badges, and many , many more items that you can imagine...
The dance levels will be from Basic ----- Challenge. There will also be rounds, contra,
and country western, handicapable's, youth, and singles halls, so if you do not have a
partner don't let it stop you from coming and having a good time, there surely will be
someone else looking for a partner... This gives everyone a chance to dance at the Fla.
State Convention.
If you can make this convention, do yourself a favor, and stay in the level you dance
best, and feel comfortable with. Some dancers think that you have to be dancing at a
higher level to be having fun, but that is not true, all levels of dancing is FUN... Isn't
FUN what its all about?
There will be workshops in the mornings and afternoons, for all levels of squares,
rounds, country western, and contra. This is a time to see what other levels or types of
dancing have to offer, so come out and take a chance and experiment... The evenings will
bring more dancing at all levels. Saturday there is a Grand March, this is always fun to
be in, and don't forget the Kick off Show or the Fashion Show, and the show with the
handicapables, and this show can bring tears to your eyes.
After each night of dancing, the fun is not over, there will be after parties each
night, with special party events. IDIOT PARTY, and don't forget your "DONKEY
So come and have a great weekend of dancing, fellowship, and, FUN ...
Just remember without U we will not be able to have F__ N ....
See you in a square at the Lakeland Civic Center.......................
Mike Doughty Treasurer FCA |